Hi. My name is Tishabug, and I'm a scaredy-cat. err.. scaredy-bug?
When anyone suggests, in even the slightest of passings, that I should try something new or go even a step outside my comfort zone, my initial, internal reaction goes something like this:
Then, thank goodness, my sanity kicks in a little, and counters with a more logical reaction, something like this:
"Heck to the bazillion-plus nos!"
Unfortunately, my Mommabug brought me up better than that. So my *third* internal reaction takes me into pep talk mode, trying to determine what is truly the worst thing that is likely happen (usually nothing too awful) and whether I'll regret not trying it later. (Probably.)
And then, there's still a reasonably decent chance I'll talk myself out of it, especially if there's no one to do it with--at least, noone who I can trust not to laugh (too hard).
Nonetheless, I do find that I have to occasionally, grudgingly give in to adventures that will expand my horizons. Because, as it turns out, this is necessary to maintain my masquerade as a Normal Person. Also, sometimes, I give in just to make the B.H.E. shut up about it.
And since I have to give in, I try to put all the "try" I can muster behind it, and go in as whole-hog body and soul (but not so much pocketbook - I'm pretty cheap) as I can.
The latest adventure I've let myself be talked into is SCUBA certification.
Despite enjoying a good pool swim, and having a half-bajillion (give or take 3) Caribbean snorkeling trips under my belt, being out in any natural body of water alarms me.
But many friends have suggested SCUBA, and I've often thought it would be nice to get even closer to the magical worlds we see from the surface… And then… B.H.E. found a Groupon. (Truly, I ask you, who can resist a good Groupon?) So SCUBA lessons it is.
It's been an intense week, with about 10-12 class hours and 6 pool hours crammed into 3 weeknights (after a full day at the office), and 5 open water dives scheduled for 2 sessions this weekend… but the feeling of accomplishment is pretty awesome. I even bought my own mask and "dry" snorkel--a million times better than the cheapos we usually get offered on snorkel tours. And they match! Who knew a new snorkel could be this exciting?
Today was the first set of open water dives: About 3-4 hours in a very murky lake, doing a series of skills at various depths. Even after modest success in the pool, I was nervous. But we went, I did it, the instructor (who knew I was pretty nervous) even said I did a good job, and was quite proud of me.
I thought I'd gone a little off on a couple of the skills… but after talking to the others in the class, it sounds like I didn't come off any worse than they did.
In fact, the only notable snafu - the only point where I slowed the rest of the class, came after the dives were done. In the climb (in full gear) up from the shore to the parking lot (have I mentioned Texas is in a multi-year drought, so the water level is insanely low?), I fell. And then I faltered.
And finally my wobbly post-SCUBA legs and top-heavy gravitational configuration just didn't want to carry all that weight up the dusty Slope.
More like sandy Hillside.
A Really Steep Rocky, Pebbly hillside.
As in, "When the heck did Texas grow a Mountain?!?!?"
Nonetheless, I passed today's dives.
So as long as I pass the final dive tests tomorrow, I'll be an ANDI certified diver, allowed to to dive 100 feet into the wonders of our planet's inner space. I will have proved I can do this horrifically scary thing, and then, thank goodness, I'll never have to do this scary thing again.
But I probably will. I really should go see what those Caribbean conchs look like up-close in their natural habitat. And it turns out, it's pretty peaceful down there, where humans can't talk. Besides, we found a really good deal on a trip to St Lucia, that includes all the diving we can take.
I just hope mountain-climbing won't be on the final.