Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet Tishabug

So. After years of writing in journals for no one but myself, and posting the occasional short blurb to facebook, I've finally built up some courage to put myself out there a little more, and start a blog. 

       The name, Flight of the Tishabug, comes from a childhood endearment that my parents dropped long ago, when I probably insisted I was far too old for such a babyish nickname.  Yet, in my head, the name has lived on in a parallel world, a world with it's own language, it's own reality.  In that world, I still think of myself as the wide-eyed, painfully shy little pig-tailed little wallflower called Tishabug.   Tishabug is the fly on the wall: listening, observing, taking it all in.  She's the industrious ant of Aesop's fable, planning ahead for the rainy day, yet living with the grasshopper who prefers to put playtime first. But she still tries to find time to fly for the pure joy of flight, to sing loud, off-key joyful noises.

      So come on along through the good and bad as she explores the world - the hope, the loneliness, the joys, the fears - share with me as Tishabug forges diligently onwards, with The Nellypup and B.H.E. (Best. Husband. Ever.) at her/my side.  I hope to write of the adventures we share, the world I observe, the paths of my ponderings, and the words that describe it all--even when those words exist only in the imaginary dictionary in my brain. 


  1. Brave of you to do so. I post /blog quite regularly but always under a thin (very thin) cloak of semi-anonymity.

    I'm looking forward though to you blogging. Seems like these days everyone has abandoned the blog for tweeting and posting facebook updates.

    What topics do you think you want to tackle? Or do you plan to write? :)

  2. I'll see where it takes me... Expect at first to see into the Tishabug mind... Insights into the wonder and weirdness of everday life, the occasional definition (with elaboration) of the words in her(my) head... And we'll see where it goes from there!
