Monday, June 18, 2012

Are We There Yet, Dad?

       In many ways I am still that little Tishabug of the past, trying not to cross the imaginary line in the backseat of the faux-wood-panelled station-wagon (so my Dorkfaced brother won't whine that I'm on *his* side of the car),  popping her head out from behind a large book to ask "are we there yet?"  
        I've asked this on hundreds of such trips, by station-wagon, plane, bus, train, bicycle, and boat. (Sometimes staying merely days, others lasting years. I've lived, so far, in 6 US states, and even 1 foreign country.)  And still usually from behind the pages of a book (or, more recently, from behind the cover of my trusty nook.)   For years I've pushed forwards to the "next" destination:  a degree, a promotion, marriage, a better company, a higher title, a larger salary.  Then, one day, I found I'd "arrived..." but was too stressed and tired to enjoy the benefits.  
       It was then that I finally began to understand there is no 'There.'  Life is an ongoing road trip.  Focusing on the destination misses the point, which can be found only in the journey itself.  The happy accidents of the roadside stands, wildflowers, unfortunately worded signs, and delightfully cheesy tourist traps are, perhaps, themselves the point. So I've resolved to slow my speed, take the byways, roll down the windows, put my feet on the dash, stop for funny signs, and enjoy the ride!  


  1. Elaine I found the comments area.. However it is not obvious "buzzbacks" needs a little bit bigger font to stand out

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I played with the settings, hopefully it's a little easier to find now?
      I also removed the word captcha requirement for replies -- I kind of hate those things too. I can always put it back later, if the bots come a-spamming.

  2. Love that you are blogging Tisha and will follow your posts! P.S. Reaching the comment area is a bit different than for some blogs I have read and posted. Thanks Greg and Clayton for the guide - and just when I thought I knew everything about blogging - NOT!

  3. I think it's human nature to always feel like you aren't "there" ... we are by our own fault, dissatisfied creatures who think the grass is greener on the other side.

    If you realize that "there" is a state of being, you're among the lucky ones. I hope you find your inner geek bliss just like Clayton. And btw, I do plan to visit you soon I hope! xD

  4. I think you and I have much in common. I've also basically met the goal I've been seeking for the past 15 years, and I've been trying to figure out what to pursue next. But I'm going to be honest with you, I think I may just 'coast' awhile, enjoy my kids, and have fun while I'm still 'young' enough to enjoy it.

    1. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, Tim! In fact it's kind of my point... What is the purpose of all this darn "achieving" if we never get to enjoy the places it takes us (and the people it connects us with--or that we create!--along the way)?
